Law Office of Robert L. Firth

Your Options for the Disposition of Your Remains

We’re all familiar with the need to leave directions in a will for the care of our loved ones when we pass away, but we often tend to overlook how we wish for our remains to be disposed of, probably because it’s a sensitive and uncomfortable subject.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

What NOT to Do Before Filing for Bankruptcy

When going through financial distress, filing for bankruptcy is among the promising solutions to remedy your financial situation. However, there is misleading information out there surrounding the bankruptcy process.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

The Importance of Creating a Business Succession Plan

Small-business owners and owners close to retirement have an obligation to plan for their own and their employees’ future with the company. Business succession planning helps reach their goals for success. Business succession allows operators to leave the company with minimal issues.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

Common Myths & Misconceptions About Bankruptcy

If you feel overwhelmed and drowning in debt, you might be contemplating filing for bankruptcy. Many people who struggle with debt get caught up in what they believe to be true about bankruptcy.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

Dispelling Estate Planning Misconceptions

The concept of estate planning is fairly straightforward—it involves the planning of your future and how your financial and physical assets will be dispersed to your loved ones after you’re gone.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

When Is Filing Bankruptcy a Good Option?

If you are in financial distress, receiving countless calls from debt collectors, and feel unsure about how to pay back your creditors, you might be wondering, “Should I file for bankruptcy?” Filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision that can entail long-term consequences for you and your family.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

Life After Bankruptcy and Repairing Your Credit

If you’ve recently declared bankruptcy or are thinking of doing so in the future, you’re probably wondering what your long-term future will look like after you’ve taken this crucial step. Contrary to what many people believe, bankruptcy will not ruin your financial life and can instead offer you a unique opportunity.
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Law Office of Robert L. Firth

Estate Planning for Young Adults

Most young adults don’t think about estate planning, especially if they are not married yet or do not have children. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the importance of estate planning, and now many young adults are finally realizing that estate planning may not be such a bad idea.
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